Red Pears by Candlelight

This winter will be the winter of photography by candlelight. I mean you have to have a plan. Try something new. Challenge yourself. The early darkness seems a good opportunity to light candles and experiment with low light. Bought some red pears. They don’t look red in this photo but my goal is to not manipulate the images. Find the right white balance. Not going to poach these orbs in wine or make a pear tart. I’ll pack them in my lunch bag for school and slurp their refreshing juice at the end of my lunchtime – hurriedly before period 8 starts.
Will be doing some more candlelight images and dm looking for some human volunteers for portraits by candlelight, right in my dining room.



12 thoughts on “Red Pears by Candlelight

  1. In the dark when you are taking the photo, you can’t see all the clutter in the background. Tomorrow the Honey Crisps and improved elimination of junk. I said unedited. Here they are as is.


  2. I love how you continue to create new projects for yourself; and I’m looking forward to seeing the results of your next installment. If I lived near you, I definitely would pose for your pics. (A few years back I posed for a professional photographer here who was taking pics of people eating/enjoying their favorite foods. I ate cereal in my pajamas.) 🙂


    1. That sounds like fun. A cool photo shoot. Your positive comments are enjoyable to read and cheer me on. Thank you Stef. Wish you lived closer, too, cause you would be a terrific subject to photograph. Whatever is inside someone, comes out in the photograph so yours would be delightful!!


      1. Aww…. thank you for your very sweet comment. Perhaps one day you and I will need to work and meet somewhere in the middle of our respective home towns. Chicago, perhaps?


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