Wind Up Toys

Sunday morning. Breakfast at Joan’s.  A cadre of colorful windup toys in her kitchen… I asked if I could photograph them. I can’t remember a specific windup toy I had as a child but these all felt familiar and provided a relaxing and fun time as she wound them up and they executed their motion while I tried to photograph them.

Guess they are making a big comeback.  I am going to get some for me  the grandkids so I they can play with these adorable windup toys. 


11 thoughts on “Wind Up Toys

  1. Lovely and so colourful. I used to have a few wind-ups as a kid. I didn’t know they mad anything without batteries these days. 🙂 I must have a look for a couple for my little grandson.


  2. The drumming bear is a classic. As a kid, we had little ‘monster’ type wind-ups that ran all over the place. I still remember the ‘whirring’ sound they made…


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