Swivel Stools and Ice Cream Counter at Yetter's in Millvale

It gets dark early these days. The interior of Yetter’s caught my eye after we parked and headed down Grant Ave to Sedgwick Street.

Steve and I were on our way to Panza Gallery for an art opening reception last Saturday night. Do you remember Millvale Days when I didn’t bring my camera and had to shoot with my phone? Well, we headed for the art opening and all I had was my phone to capture this scene at night.

Yetter’s is known for their homemade candies which you can mail order online although I must confess I have never eaten a chocolate covered potato chip. Just an old fashioned place with fresh candies and ice cream and delicious milkshakes.


Wind Up Toys

Sunday morning. Breakfast at Joan’s.  A cadre of colorful windup toys in her kitchen… I asked if I could photograph them. I can’t remember a specific windup toy I had as a child but these all felt familiar and provided a relaxing and fun time as she wound them up and they executed their motion while I tried to photograph them.

Guess they are making a big comeback.  I am going to get some for me  the grandkids so I they can play with these adorable windup toys. 


The Paper Anniversary- The First

Happy First Anniversary Laura and James. It was a happy wedding.   There’s a list of traditional and modern wedding anniversary gifts for each year here.   I knew that the first anniversary was paper.

Laura took this photo of the paper items I sent to them to mark the occasion. James said he came home from work to find some large boxes on their front porch and had no idea what was in them.  I know I had fun thinking about sending the paper products and figured it would be a gift that would get used. Actually, used up!   Shipping was free!

 James had the idea to call me on SKYPE and here they are at home talking to me.


Last week at breakfast in Columbus at First Watch

and the weekend they came to help me with the House Concert in Pittsburgh

with Penny the Golden Doodle

The Six Months Photo Shoot in Short North Columbus Ohio

Please send a photo of a veteran you know and love to be posted in this Gallery of Veterans

His name is Robert S. Hinkle, he was a clerk in India and always very proud to be in the CBI, (China , Burma and India) If you could see his face clearer, back in 1944 he looked a lot like Radar from MASH! He only smoked in the service, so we have very few photos of him with a pipe! (Debbie Beozzo’s father)

Ruth E. Hendricks Photography



Mike Kichi USMC   Sent by blog follower and friend and frequent commenter Toni Kichi


Mike’s brother — Ed Kichi — 2nd from the left in the 2nd row. In above photo of the 1st Platoon D Co, 39th OCC

From Anne Hamilton- UK-

Charles Albert Kydd                     ” I thought Ruth might like the attached photo of my great uncle, the brother of my English grandmother (the one you met). Charles Albert Kydd was born in 1896. He went missing and I’ve also attached a document relating to this which I found in amongst my gran’s papers. Unfortunately I don’t know anything else – not even what regiment he was attached to.”

Thankfully he did survive the war and lived into old age!

To include those currently serving in the military  This photo sent by Sally Nauer of her son’s unit (Jonathan Nauer)…

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Reblogged for Veterans Day 2012

Ruth E. Hendricks Photography

Veterans Day.  More than a day off from school.   A day in November to honor all veterans- men and women in the military who have served.  And the correct spelling  “the attributive (no apostrophe) rather than the possessive case is the official spelling ”  according to an article  “Apostrophe Sparks Veterans Day Conundrum”.  I had to look it up.  WWII, on the left my father’s brother Alan Ray Hendricks who “observed his 28th bday by flying a bombing mission  over Japanese-held Koror Island in a 7th AAF Liberator on which he is a gunner”.(old yellowed newspaper clipping)  Received the Distinguished Flying Cross.       Who do you know who has served? Scan and email a photo of a veteran you know , along with name and service and I will post a gallery of veterans.  Suzanne sent me her father-in-law and father and that sparked the idea.  rutheh@gmail.com

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Red Pears by Candlelight

This winter will be the winter of photography by candlelight. I mean you have to have a plan. Try something new. Challenge yourself. The early darkness seems a good opportunity to light candles and experiment with low light. Bought some red pears. They don’t look red in this photo but my goal is to not manipulate the images. Find the right white balance. Not going to poach these orbs in wine or make a pear tart. I’ll pack them in my lunch bag for school and slurp their refreshing juice at the end of my lunchtime – hurriedly before period 8 starts.
Will be doing some more candlelight images and dm looking for some human volunteers for portraits by candlelight, right in my dining room.



Failure is Not an Option

Saw this in one of the art rooms at school today. Bought a pencil for a quarter. Got to see the interior And was given change for a dollar bill so I could buy the pencil. Then I photographed the pencil with the school motto.
We didn’t have students today due to Election Day. Meetings and common planning time. Grades close tomorrow. Failure is not an option.





