The Family Jewels in NYC

New York City- Tuesday August 21st. School starts for me in Pittsburgh on Friday so this is the LAST of the summer vacation.

My sister and I were shopping for a corded landline.  Good luck with that!  You think you have something in mind but your choices are dictated by what is produced AND what is in stock.  But that ‘s another whole story.

As we walked by this Vintage Clothing and Accessories store on West 23rd Street, The Family Jewels, we saw a young woman working on getting the padlock out of the security gate. We chatted for a minute and said we’d be back.  The vintage tablecloths caught our eye.

Meet Liz.  She graciously consented to be photographed.  She patiently explained the different ways they procure the vintage items.  And you know how I like to ask people how they get started with their collections.  She has a collection of poodle items that were gifts from friends who know she likes poodles.   She had a poodle and that’s how it all started. See her tattoo and necklace! She had the most beautiful green eyes, too. Thanks, Liz!


Update on Demolition, Sign Painter at Work and Cooking Outside Wholey’s

Similar colors.  A friend emailed to let me know that the once silver Civic Arena/Mellon Arena roof looked completely red so I drove downtown to capture the progress of the demolition.

I drove to the Strip on a most crowded holiday shopping day.  It was Saturday afternoon in the Strip District and I saw a sign painter was painting above the crowded sidewalks.  I realized I walked under a ladder.  Didn’t think I was superstitious but when I saw this photo for the people at work series, I remembered a tinge of concern.  It makes sense to not walk under a ladder as a bucket of paint could spill on you or you could hit the ladder and knock someone off.  Need to do some research but not tonight.

I can tell you that the scent of grilled veggies and shrimp was inviting but I’d just eaten lunch. ; – (

Zucchini strips on the left. Grilled shrimp on the right.

My College Friend’s Son (and his team- ALL ARE KINGS) Created an iOS Game

If someone said to me, “create an iOS  game”, I would not now where to begin.  I received an email (Homer, Alaska) from my friend Lisa and her husband Dave, telling me about their son’s team’s new game Forerunner.  I went and downloaded and it is a woman who is the runner.  I played it and only got a few torches lit so my score will not be listed here but I liked the graphics, the fast pace and found it visually appealing. I am also into young people following their dreams and accomplishing goals.  I think that is admirable.  Determination and discipline are two characteristics I know were necessary. Anyway I asked Christopher if he would like me to blog the news of Forerunner’s Debut and so here he is today’s guest blogger, right under my photo of the game.

The screen of Forerunner on my iPhone, resting atop my bag of knitting.

“Hey this is Chris from All Are Kings.  We’d like to take a moment to talk about our new iOS game, Forerunner.  As much as it is a normal game with running, jumping, and collecting coins, Forerunner is also project about color and contrast.  We chose a silhouette style with bright, monochromatic backgrounds for maximum visual impact.  The player explores five different worlds, each with its own color and theme.  The game is free with six levels and an endless “run-forever” mode, but you can unlock all 25 levels for 99 cents.  Thanks!”

The Story:

It is the end of an age, and the world is in decline. Only the revitalizing power of the phoenix can make it new again. A lone runner is sent on a holy mission; to light the fires of 25 sacred shrines littered across the five lands. Only when all the fires are lit can the phoenix be summoned and the world remade.

“It’s like Aladdin meets the Olympics,” – playtester comment 

A shot of All Are Kings- will add photo credit when I learn who shot the group

About Us

Developer: All Are Kings

Balraj Basi, Chris Ellington, Jarrett McKenna, Justin Nichols, Remi Storms, Jared Wuerzburger

“We are an independent development team. We originally met as students, and our origins range from Mexico to Alaska. After working contract gigs at game studios such as Relic and Electronic Arts, we came back together and decided to take a risk. Forerunner is our first game as a group. We are excited to share it with the world, and hopefully make a little money.”

You can download FORERUNNER  by clicking here. Play it and then write a review.

Fifty Years Working at the Weiner Stand

Mr. Johnny Liakos has worked here at the Weiner Stand for MORE than fifty years.  Here is an article on him and the famous hot dog stand in downtown Roanaoke, Virginia. I was photographing him through the side glass window, reflection and all and he motioned for me to come on in and photograph him. Seriously.  And he stood there waiting for me, interrupting the flow of bun and dogs for a full minute.  

Guest Blogger- Suzanne- in Response to Balloon Seller Man Post

I love the dialogue and exchange the blog posts evoke.

From my friend Suzanne in an email Saturday morning…

Ruthie — your blog post today was great!  Reminded me of a photo I took in Oaxaca — hard to figure out how they don’t float away!

So I wrote to Suzanne and invited her to be guest blogger today. I love that my photo of the balloon seller created such a response.

Suzanne wrote:
In Oaxaca, Mexico in 2005 another balloon seller busy every evening as the town square, the zocolo,  filled with families for the evening’s music, strolling and visiting.  Every small child had one of these tied to their wrists, and eyes filled with wonder at the beauty of it.

Suzanne is an artist and her website and artwork can be seen by clicking here .

I love that she captured the conversation/sale between seller and child and look a those balloons!!!!

Bicycle Heaven Shop and Museum

Kurt and Craig in Bicycle Heaven.

People at work.  What an amazing place.  A field trip for photo class Wednesday night.  Craig and Kurt were most hospitable.  And you never saw so many bicycles in your life. Steamers for handlebars, baskets, reflectors, headlamps, tires, gears, seats. You name it. Anything and EVERYTHING for a bicycle. Whatever you want? It is there! Craig has been collecting bikes for 30 years and just put this place together in the last three months.  WOW is all we could say.  Holy Bikes! The four bikes on the wall are Bowden Spacelander bikes made of fiberglass designed in 1948. There are very few in the world and here were FOUR together !!!

Mr. Lenny Moran-Burgh Nation T- Shirt Man

Saturday morning I drove down to the Strip District of the city to purchase items for the cookie table for the wedding. Ingredients; pistachios, hazelnuts, almond paste, Portuguese Pignoli Nuts, anise seed,fig jam, and some doilies for the cookie trays. Stopped by the Steeler Nation T-shirt display and told the proprietor his shirts were being worn in Zagreb. I bought them last year. We struck up a conversation and before you know it, Mr. Lenny Moran opened his a guitar case and showed me where Tom Petty had signed it T.P. and then had a well-worn leaflet autographed by Muhammed Ali. Turns out Lenny is a songwriter as well as a Steeler Nation T-shirt entrepreneur. If you’re from Pittsburgh you might have heard his Rock’n the Igloo!   Check out his burghnationtees.   He had a tablet with wireless capability and I was able to show him the post of the Steelers slide show where he was featured last January.   Lenny had placed Steelers folding chairs to save a parking spot for a couple of nuns who came and set up a table to sell Advent wreaths.  It was a nice morning.  He graciously consented (I hadn’t asked last January) to be on the blog.  Thanks Mr. Lenny Moran.

Lenny Moran and his autographed guitar.

Note to SELF:

 Carry good camera at all times

Carry good camera at all times

Everywhere, ALWAYS!!!

All iPhone once again.

Andrew Tosses the Pizza Dough in the Air

He can’t remember how long it took him to learn to do this.  I was impressed with the height and ease in which he tossed the dough.  We had parent conferences until seven  PM so got to go out to lunch.  I headed down to the South Side to the bank and stopped in the Blue Grotto Pizza shop on the corner of 19th and Carson.  Thom B came by.  Told me, “…they really care about their food which is a good thing.” I waited for a slice of Pizza Margherita and you can see by Andrew’s hand that the slice was ENORMOUS!. It was also delicious. It was when I was leaving that I saw his tossing the dough and photographed his expertise.  I asked if it was okay to blog and he said, “Sure.”  Would have been good to have a tripod and cable remote but the soft capture still conveys the story of his skill.   A rhythmic series of the pizza dough tossing is an idea for a future post.  Could be in the People at Work series, too.