South Side Storefront Sign- Get Thee to Munhall

It was the color that attracted me.  Not that the colors are particularly attractive but definitely made me turn my head to get a better look and see why so purple? Complementary colors collide.

I have put Too Groovy Pop Culture Toys  on my list of places to visit.  I see they have a FB page.

The Family Jewels in NYC

New York City- Tuesday August 21st. School starts for me in Pittsburgh on Friday so this is the LAST of the summer vacation.

My sister and I were shopping for a corded landline.  Good luck with that!  You think you have something in mind but your choices are dictated by what is produced AND what is in stock.  But that ‘s another whole story.

As we walked by this Vintage Clothing and Accessories store on West 23rd Street, The Family Jewels, we saw a young woman working on getting the padlock out of the security gate. We chatted for a minute and said we’d be back.  The vintage tablecloths caught our eye.

Meet Liz.  She graciously consented to be photographed.  She patiently explained the different ways they procure the vintage items.  And you know how I like to ask people how they get started with their collections.  She has a collection of poodle items that were gifts from friends who know she likes poodles.   She had a poodle and that’s how it all started. See her tattoo and necklace! She had the most beautiful green eyes, too. Thanks, Liz!


Two Mannequins, Two Men

Walking along Carson Street on the South Side, a slight movement caught my eye.  I stopped. The man on the phone looked up.

I “asked” if I could take a picture with mime-like camera, he gave a nod yes, went back to his phone as I fumbled in my bag for my real camera, not my iPhone.  Had the settings wrong, took another one quick.  Got his attention and acted like I was typing, conveying I would email it as I hurried back to my car across the street.  I was thinking about the cookie jars in the second hand store across from the post office but I felt this was the shot of the day!

Southside Shop Window Like a Live Stage

Everybody Loves Italian Men

Strip District shopping on Saturday AM I finally saw the sign R told me about a few weeks ago.  In fact, I parked right in front of it.

After I loaded up the car and got into the driver’s seat to pull out of the parking space, there were two women responding to the sign!   More difficult to read the sign at that angle but I thought the addition of the women going in really added to the scene.

Customer Service at Von Maur

Fed Ex delivery and attnetion to detail.
A personal note, a carefully wrapped package,shipped for free to my home- reasons to shop at Von Maur.

The size I needed was in another store when I went shopping in Columbus OH last Saturday night. Wednesday night I opened the box  they shipped (free!) and found the thoughtful note from the  woman who had waited on me so graciously.  As I opened the box,  I remembered shopping with  my mother when I was little. The experience evoked a sense of nostalgia.  Von Maur offers not only free- shipping and free alterations but who receives a hand-written note these days?  Customer service is exemplary.  My DIL says they gift wrap your purchases for free, too!  WOW.  I wish we had a Von Maur in Pittsburgh.

” When You Care Enough…

to send the very best.”  Slogan originated in 1944. I used to send more greeting cards. They’d be late sometimes. Most times.  Some remember every occasion and send a lovely card. Well, one friend in particular I know.  And on time, too. I used to read cards as a stress relief.  Find an envelope if it was missing.

This display is current not vintage. Schwartz's Market South Side.